[dropcap]Z[/dropcap]en studios, the creators of Planet Minigolf and Zen Pinball, are at it again with a new title called Infinite Minigolf. The main feature of the game is the course editor, which we get to see in the trailer. The idea is that this allows for content to be near limitless. Even better, the developers are making on a system where players can share the courses they’ve made. It helps that players can search for courses based on a given set of criteria.
Based on the developer’s page, it is unclear exactly how this system will work. Even so, the game looks very intuitive in the trailer and course creation appears to be very well laid out. The trailer also displays level themes that look very interesting. Even the character customization appears to be well varied for such a streamlined title. Players will be allowed to add a little variety to pretty much any aspect of the game.
Taking a closer look at the trailer, we see that courses can be made with individual pieces and hazards ranging from birds and plants to video game systems can be placed all over the course to try and trip up the players. Also, it looks like you can set collectibles on the course for players to score extra points. Unfortunately, there’s no indication how that’ll play into the overall game, though.
At this time, Zen Studios already has an entire article talking about their game, which will release on Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, PSVR, and Xbox One sometime this Spring and the game is already out on Steam early access. Zen Studios seems to be listening closely to player input. You can check out their article on their website, linked in the source. The trailer is linked below. If you’re interested, check it out!
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