[dropcap]N[/dropcap]IS, a Japanese game dev, will be releasing a new Japanese-style Horror title. That is, the game is focused on figures in Japanese horror, yokai. In the first game, titled Yomawari: Night Alone, you played a young girl looking for her dog and sister. She dealt with the spirits she encountered mostly by avoiding them whenever possible. Now, NIS has reached out and given us info on the new game and we’re more than happy to share it with you guys.

This shrine looks like the one in the Fields from the first game, too.
Key Features
- A Complete Town to Explore – Enter abandoned homes, climb through junk yards and up mountains, or venture into dark sewers in your search.
- Two Views of the Dark – Search the night and explore a town as either of Yomawari: Midnight Shadow’s two characters. What you find with one may serve as a clue, or even save the other.
- Horrors, Oddities, and Mysteries – When Japanese spirits come to life, you’ll encounter horrors birthed in nightmares, oddities that will make you question what is real, and mysteries that may just keep you up at night.
- Gorgeous Style – Enter the dark with haunting art to view the city and from above, and get close to the heart-pounding moments in beautifully imagined side-scrolling set pieces.
These are the notes that we were sent about the game. A quick look at them tells us some new and interesting things. For one, it seems we’ll actually be able to go inside some houses. In fact, it’s very likely that the girl with the blue-ribbon is inside one such house in some of the images.
We also know that these two girls are both playable, thanks to this blurb. Neither of them appears to be the same character from the first game. They’re right about the gorgeous visuals, too. The first game looked really good, given its simplistic isometric view, but this game looks visually improved in just about every way. It’s going to be exciting to see how Yomawari turns out.
Yomawari Release Info
We do have one last piece of info. Yomawari: Midnight Shadows will release in Fall of 2017. Given the trend of releasing as close to Halloween as possible with Night Alone, October is a safe bet. In fact, we may even see this game release on Halloween, since that’s the last Tuesday of the month. Midnight Shadows will be available on PS4, PSVita, and Steam, so keep an eye out for it.
NIS mentioned that a limited edition of the game would be available at a later date. We’ll be sure to let you know if any information comes up regarding that. And just in case you want to look at more screens or preorder the game, the developer’s website has a little more to look through.
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