Veil of Dust is a Heavier Take on Farm Sims - myPotatoGames

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Veil of Dust is a Heavier Take on Farm Sims

Veil of Dust: A Homestead Game is a farming simulator seeking to turn the genre on its head. Inspired by the likes of Stardew Valley and Don’t Starve, this game is a historically-grounded fantasy homesteading and survival game with a more adult-oriented gameplay. You’ll play as the Callahan siblings, Shane and Áine, as they learn to cope with loss and learn how to survive life in the desert of eastern Oregon. 

With a more task-centric focus, and less grinding, Veil of Dust sets you on an adventure to explore magic, intrigue, small town politics, and more. You’ll farm, forage, and hunt to scrape together the resources and food necessary to survive. Overcome challenges with tools you craft, and fill bellies with different recipes you’ve scraped together, as well as forge relationships. Survival isn’t just about finding food and shelter, after all. Life needs to be worth living, too! Experience deep characterizations and explore realistic, relatable scenarios that touch on heavier topics. 

Veil of Dust isn’t devoid of humor and fun, though! Guide Shane and Áine as they search for answers as to why mysterious monsters attack their town and livelihoods. While defense wasn’t always a priority, you might need to protect your homestead from them. The homestead you’ve carefully made your very own by lovingly choosing the perfect colors, turning your inhospitable dirt patch into a comfortable home. 

Where will your adventure lead you?


Available Now

You can find Veil of Dust on Steam now!

Want more farm sims that are just a little bit different? Checkout Moondrop.


I'm just a girl with a love for traveling, video games, books, and writing. My favorite games are Stardew Valley and Wylde Flowers. I also enjoy spending my time with my significant other and our cat, Charlie, and going to concerts. You can find me on Twitter @PlanetHauth and Threads planet.hauth where I interact with game devs and other metal fans!


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    Veil of Dust is a Heavier Take on Farm Sims