TokoToko is an augmented reality game developed by indie studio Kalank and coming to iOS devices October 3rd, 2019. Help your adorable cat artist apprentice named Hako to save her friends, the Tokotokos, by drawing real-life pictures that will come alive in-game. Journey to an island and solve puzzles to find these adorable creatures from another world and interact with them in our world. All Tokotokos are artistic and have unique personalities, for example, Azuko the lion is a narcissistic painter.
Furthermore, TokoToko lets you take pictures of Hako and her friends while using filters to create your own scenery with your drawings! Pictures then appear as Polaroid photos in-game that you can share with your friends.
Key Features
- The first story-driven augmented reality adventure
- Life-bringing technology for handmade drawings
- A touching coming-of-age story about creativity
- Cute and charming creatures with strong personalities
- A relaxing and amusing place to draw, experiment and create unique art
- Beautiful art style inspired by clay and stop-motion
- Augmented creativity puzzles to solve with your own drawings
If you can’t wait to start drawing, you can check out TokoToko’s official website and share your fan-art on social media! For more on games with AR, check out our article here: Minecraft Earth Turns Reality Into A Playground.
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