The Mims: Beginning Is Coming To Switch Next Month - myPotatoGames

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The Mims: Beginning Is Coming To Switch Next Month

svgOct 28, 2019NewsRiver

The Mims: Beginning is a god-like strategy game with cute graphics, lots to do, and it’s coming to Switch.

The Mims: Beginning

God-like can be a lot fun, especially when there is seemingly endless things to do! I mean, what is a God-like game, really, if it doesn’t basically let you do anything you want with your peons. The Mims is reputed for its level options and accessibility when it comes to playing god.

That being said, there is really so much to do in The Mims; Beginning! This includes farming, crafting, skill learning, livestock raising and trading, etc… You will also be gifted with a few Devine powers to help make sure everything stays going smoothly. You will also have to save your Mims from natural disasters and generally being a nuisance to each other.

The Mims: Beginning

And what would a good God-like game be if it didn’t have a nice sense of humor. It can be tough to make life and death decisions without getting to laugh about it. The Mims: Beginning does not skip out on the humor. The Mims: Beginning was originally released on PC back in 2016, and is coming to Nintendo Switch on November 1st.

The Mims: Beginning will cost only $8.99, and is available on the official Nintendo Website. For more information on the game, as well as the chance to get it on PC, check out the Steam page. For more awesome games like The Mims: Beginning, check out my coverage of Hive Quest.


River Chandler

Mi amo es Rio.  I’m a hardcore game person with an affinity for writing and other word-related whatnots. My main loves in life are my son (Kaiden), the island on which I live (Kauai), and all things gaming.  The rest of my loves include most living things...and non-living things, too. Dont worry, be happy.


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