A few days ago Team17 and Playtonic Games announced that their 2.5D platformer, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, is releasing on October 8th, 2019! Pre-order starting now and get 4 Tonics included in your digital or physical copies! That’s right, the sometimes useful but mainly ridiculously pointless Tonics introduced in the previous game, are back! Furthermore, some Tonics already available in the game include: infinite rolling, harder enemies, super speed, as well as the ability to unlock new environmental and visual effects! To learn more about Tonics, along with a trailer, see below.
Tonics can be found in the Overworld. Search high and low!
Spend quills earned in 2D levels to unlock the Tonics you find.
Up to 3 Tonics can be combined into creative concoctions!
Tonics can only be used in 2D levels, excluding the Impossible Lair.
There are 62 Tonics to collect.
Trowzer might have a secret unlockable Tonic up his er, sleeve.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair will be releasing on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC for £24.99/$29.99/€29.99. Pre-order the game and get the exclusive ‘Trowzer’s Top Tonic Pack’ – a collection of four cosmetic Tonics including Large Head Tonic, Glow Worm Tonic, D.I.S.C.O. Tonic and Yooka 64! Although, Playtonic Games has confirmed that this pack will be purchasable at a later date as well.
We here at myPotatoGames are definitely ready to thwart another one of Capital B’s evil plans! Stop him from enslaving an entire kingdom of bees with the help of Queen Phoebee and her Royal Beetallion. We just can’t get enough of that cheeky humor and the delightful soundtrack! To learn more about the game, check out some gameplay footage from our previous article here: A Deeper Look Into Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
Harry and Gary designers from Playtonic Games showed us some gameplay of Yooka-Laylee on Nintendo Treehouse today and we couldn’t BEE more excited! Capital B is up to no good again and has taken over the kingdom of the bees, Royal Stingdom, using a mind-control device called the Hive Mind. Queen Phoebee asks for your help to take him down and save the day. For more information about this game you can check out our earlier article right here. See below for some new information regarding this 2D and 3D platformer.
This time around Capital B has and Impossible Lair, which is named as such because of its extreme level of difficulty. His Lair is filled with swarms of enemies and hazards, and there are no checkpoints. Playtonic says if you are extremely skilled you can just go straight to this Lair and beat the game. We smell a challenge here. The easier way to get inside and defeat Capital B is to free every bee that has been imprisoned at the end of every level in the game. These bees are Queen Phoebee’s Royal Beettalion Guard and will join you in the Lair once freed. Meaning, for every bee you free (total of 48), they will take one hit for you (including falls) to get through to the end.
3D Overworld
Noteworthy Mentions
See below for a few points Playtonic revealed that we find most interesting. Want to view the entire Nintendo Treehouse live-stream of Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair yourself? Just click on the video provided.
Pagies return but this time they offer you an extra brief challenge to win which will unlock more areas.
There are new enemies such as spiders from a forest world.
Trowzer, a serpent salesman, has returned with deals players literally can’t refuse.
If you take a hit and you do not recover Laylee on time, you have to finish the level without her. Meaning, you will not have Laylee’s abilities, at least until you’ve reached a checkpoint (bell).
Quills are used as currency to open locked cages and buy items at shops.
Yooka-Laylee, the 3D platform/adventure game developed by Playtonic Games and published by Team17, has just received an update today! When you boot up the game on your Nintendo Switch or PC, you will need to download the latest version. Then, head to any Vendi in the game and select the 64-bit Tonic option.
About Vendi and the Tonics
Vendi is an NPC vending machine that supplies Yooka and Laylee with tonics that you can unlock and equip. These upgrades can give boosts to stats and abilities, can help the player with useful guides such as a tracker for certain collectibles, or even give you an option to make the game more challenging.
The Vendi Tonics on the PS4 version.
The 64-bit Tonic gives you a “pre-rendered” appearance to make it look like you are playing a Nintendo 64 game! All backgrounds in Yooka-Laylee will now have limited texture and shading. The PS4 and Xbox One version will only receive this update at a later date as Playtonic Games says there are a few bugs that need fixing first. See what the developers have to say about their choice for this hilarious addition here.
When we decided we were going to implement the 64-bit Tonic, we knew we wanted to create something reminiscent of “the good old days”. Naturally, we looked back at Nintendo 64 games that we had both played and worked on.
Jens Restermeier
About Playtonic and Yooka-Laylee
Playtonic Games, founded by former Rare employees, wanted to create a spiritual successor to their Banjo-Kazooie series (which Microsoft now owns the rights to). Therefore, they started a Kickstarter campaign which raised a record-breaking £2-million, an amount of well over their goal.
Yooka-Laylee has everything that the fans loved from the Banjo-Kazooie series; wacky cast of characters, an amazing soundtrack, cheeky humor, and googly-eyes on everything! They’ve heard what the fans had to say and definitely delivered – unlike a certain other game *ahem*.
For more information about the game Yooka-Laylee you can head to our article here.