Slow Living with Princess, developed by Kadokawa and Tsukurite, is a beautiful anime-inspired farming sim. You play as Gideon Ragnason, an adventurer banished from his adventuring party, led by his sister Ruti, for not being strong enough to help defeat the Demon Lord. Afterward, Gideon changed his name to Red and has settled in the frontier land of Zoltan to start his own apothecary and live a more quiet life. Your job is to lead a fulfilling life and make the apothecary profitable!
Explore the area to collect materials. Gather items, go fishing, and defeat monsters. You even grow your own crops on farm plots on your homestead. Then, use all the items you’ve grown or gathered to cook delicious recipes and mix up potent medicines. Sell the food and medicines in your apothecary to earn a profit. Taking on tasks from the locals will raise your adventurer rank and award you with special rewards. And of course, take time out of your busy schedule to build your relationships with your sister and a former princess. Deepening your bond with them may prove fruitful for your future!
Release Date
You can find Slow Living with Princess on Steam now!
Final Profit: A Shop RPG is an intriguing and unique shop sim you should take a look at!
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