River Tails: Stronger Together is a 3D co-op adventure platformer. Immerse yourself in a colorful cartoon art style as you and a partner embark on an epic journey. Play as Furple, a curious kitten, or as Finn, a fish with an attitude problem.
Work together to complete various puzzles across different environments. Your ultimate goal for River Tails: Stronger Together is to save Furple’s family, who are in danger. Team up with some unexpected allies to make your way upstream and into the snowy mountains. Explore the rainforest, delve into river caves, and cross a treacherous swamp to reach that distant mountain. You’ll also need to defeat some angry enemies and bosses, but if you work together, anything is possible!
While River Tails is designed as a two player game, there’s also a LoneWolf Mode so you can play on your own!
Release Date
You can find this fun co-op game on Steam now! There’s even a demo for you to try out.
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