The latest Nintendo Direct gave us a look at the new cooking feature coming to Pokemon Sword and shield!
Our favorite games here at MPG always seem to include cooking to some degree or another. Now, Pokemon will be added to the list as Pokemon Sword and Shield is getting a cooking feature. The latest Nintendo Direct gave us a close look the new feature, and we are excited to see what changes this addition will bring to Pokemon Universe.
Curry is all the buzz!
Curry is quite the popular dish in the Galar Region, and we will get to know it fondly. Curry is variety of dishes originating in India that usually include ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, and fresh or dried chillies. Now we will get the chance to create our own curry recipes using the ingredients found throughout the game. This will include, but is not limited to, all those delicious berries we have found throughout the history of the Pokemon series. The cooking will all take place in the new Pokemon Camp, another featured revealed in yesterdays direct.
We will also get to use such awesome foodie items as sausages, beans, pasta, bread and much more. The variety of ingredients have created such an expansive list of recipes that we will even be given a Curry Deck to log all the recipes that we have successfully created. To cook, you will use the motion control to fan the fire underneath your cauldron. This will cause your fire to heat up, expediting the cooking process.
Much like the munchies in the previous titles, the food that you create can be shared with your Pokemon. In doing so, you and your Pokemon will receive special buffs, and your Pokemon will grow more fond of you for having shared a meal with them. The buffs that you receive depend on the taste rating of your food. So you will need to try out all the different recipes so you can find the right buffs for your particular set of Pokemon. It appears that we may also be able to share a meal with friends whenever they visit our camp.
For more details on the cooking and other such items, check out our coverage of the latest Nintendo Direct, or you can go to the official Pokemon Website.
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