As promised, Nintendo has delivered with an all new RPG pocket monster adventure in their Pokemon Direct this morning. Pokemon Sword and Shield were revealed and the release has been set for sometime later this year. The footage in said Direct depicted a colorful, open-world adventure game to truly rival it’s predecessors. A whole new journey awaits, with new characters, creatures and locales, giving even the most venerable Poke-champs something to look forward to.
When it comes to the exploration of possible psychotic tendencies, Pokemon is our classic go-to. Nothing beats the feeling of pitting two gentle and unique monsters against each other in a savage fight to unconsciousness. Grinding battle after battle, you must fight to be the best trainer in the land, all while watching from a safe distance. Command these cute creatures to do inexplicable things to each other for your benefit, so that others may come to know your mastery of adjuration.
Deep-seated psychoses aside, time after time Game Freak has delivered with that classic turn-based battle style that meshes seamlessly with the art in way to create a near perfect game. Pokemon Sword and Shield appear to be sticking very close to this formula, which will hopefully ensure an experience reminiscent of the originals, but with prettier graphics and new monsters to befriend.
By clicking here, you may pre-order Pokemon Shield and Pokemon Sword. In doing so, you will ensure that you receive a $10 reward certificate with your purchase.
I’m getting this