Feb 4, 2017News
Nintendo wants you to know it will keep supporting it’s Nintendo 3DS even beyond the launch of the anticipated Nintendo Switch Console arriving on March 3rd.
Nintendo has just announced that the Pikachu special edition New 3DS XL will be coming to North America on February 24th for $199. It does not included any bundled games. European fans will have to wait a little longer as no announcement for a European release has been made yet.
Feb 4, 2017News
Nintendo Switch is coming out on March 3rd. For the first time Nintendo is making a big push into the Online Multiplayer market. This service comes at a cost. Tatsumi Kimishima the president of Nintendo has mentioned that the service will not be free.
Anyone who will want to play online with their friends will have to pay an annual fee of $17 – $24. This fee is surpassingly low compared to Sonys Playstation Network, or Microsoft Xbox Live service which both cost $59.99 annually.
Nintendo has announced that the service will be free until it becomes a paid service later in the Fall this year.
Feb 4, 2017Mobile Game
Nintendo has released another mobile title of one of it’s less popular franchises, Fire Emblem. The game has been downloaded more than 2 Million times so far and generated more than $2.9 Million Dollar in sales on it’s first day. While the numbers do sound impressive, it is far behind Nintendos other Mobile releases such as Pokemon Go and Mario Run as seen in the chart bellow.
Feb 4, 2017News
The Sims Online is making a return! The Groovy and fun Online Social Game is making a come-back. The game now called ” Free-SO ” is a fan project that brings old memories back to life. The Game was originally released in December 2008, and later on re-named into EA-Land. Electronic Arts has decided to shut down the game, disappointing many fans who have played the game for nearly 8 years.
The game has now returned from the dead and many players have already created their houses, skill centers, stores and more! If you love The Sims Franchise and have always wished to play with your friends, now is your chance!
Check out FREE-SO, and start playing Sims Online for free today!.
Feb 4, 2017News
[dropcap]” C[/dropcap]oncernedApe the creator of The Farming and Social Simulator Stardew Valley has recently announced that a multiplayer / Co-Op version is well underway and set to release in the not so distant future.
The Co-Op Update has long been awaited by many fans. A multiplayer update would allow friends to play together, share a farm, and work cooperativly within the same town.
While fans are patiently waiting to see the official Multiplayer being added with a free update, some dedicated players have taken up the challenge to release a Multiplayer Mod. While not flawless, the mod does allow players to play with their friends, if you can’t wait for the official update, you can try the mod to play Stardew Valley with your friends today. Be sure to backup your save game before installing the mod.
Stardew Valley is a beloved series among fans of games like Harvest Moon, Zelda and Animal Crossing. If you haven’t already check out the Stardew Valley trailer bellow! The game is currently available on PC and Mac, and is set to release on Nintendos new Console, the Switch later this year.
Feb 4, 2017Mobile Game
[dropcap]N[/dropcap]intendo has delayed the mobile version of Animal Crossing yet another time. The title was set to release before the end of March 2017, it is now expected to hit iOS and Android during Nintendos next fiscal year April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.
Nintendo states they have focused on the Mario Run release for Android, as well as the recently released Fire Emblem mobile title. Nintendo has recently released a major update to ” Animal Crossing New Leaf ” adding many new features and hours of new gameplay. Many fans believe the mobile version has been delayed, so it could be coming out along an expected Nintendo switch version of the beloved Animal Crossing series in the coming year.
Nintendos official stament:
“We will also follow last December’s release of Super Mario Run for iOS with an Android version in March. To accommodate the releases and operation of these applications, we have revised the release schedule for Animal Crossing, which we had originally planned to release during this period. This title will be released during the next fiscal year”
Nintendo Press Release