Many were happy to hear that Nintendo purchases are now tied to a Nintendo account. Purchases from the e-shop are no longer associated with the device itself. This prevents anyone from losing their downloaded content when the device is lost, broken or sold of. However, Nintendo’s general manager of Entertainment Planning & Development Shinya Takahashi, has released a statement that could affect many Switch owners.
Purchased games, or any other downloaded content from the Nintendo E-Shop can only be used with one account. Also only one device may use the account at a time. This is a different approach from Nintendos competitors like Sony. On the Playstation 4 you may use up to two consoles simultaneously with one account, allowing you to share your purchases with a family member, or friend. Read the full statement by Shinya Takahashi bellow
Shinya Takahashi “If I want to take my system with me… if I were to buy a digital game, could I buy it once, or would I have to buy it multiple times so they can use those games?”
Takahashi: “Currently we don’t have a system like that in place for Nintendo Switch, but we haven’t made any final decisions about how we would approach that going forward in the future, so unfortunately I can’t provide any concrete answer for you right now.”
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