Nintendo Releases Official Animal Crossing New Horizons Birthday Calendar - myPotatoGames

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Nintendo Releases Official Animal Crossing New Horizons Birthday Calendar

svgFeb 11, 2021Animal CrossingMax

The brand new Animal Crossing New Horizons Calander features every Villagers birthday.

Nintendo releases the official 2021 Animal Crossing New Horizons Birthday Calendar. To make it easier to never miss a villagers birthday the big N made this a lot easier by providing a downloadable and printable calendar for nearly free.

All you need to download the calendar is 80 platinum points, these points can be easily earned by doing simple activities such as playing Pocket Camp, linking Nintendo accounts to your Switch and more.

If you want to decorate your surroundings with this colorful and cute calendar, you can grab it right here.

Animal Crossing Sleepwear

If you want to cozy up while playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, take a look at these Animal Crossing themed and super fuzzy slippers and pajamas.



myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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