My Nintendo Introduces Adorable Animal Crossing New Horizons Rewards - myPotatoGames

Now Reading: My Nintendo Introduces Adorable Animal Crossing New Horizons Rewards


My Nintendo Introduces Adorable Animal Crossing New Horizons Rewards

Nintendo just released Animal Crossing New Horizons Keychains, Shopping bags and more through the My Nintendo Rewards.

These rewards are usually reserved for other countries but this time around Nintendo released four beyond adorable rewards you can claim using your Platinum points. For as little as 600 platinum points you can already claim a cute bandana.

If you are looking to spice up your keychain a little bit you might be interested in the Tom Nook keychain, clocking in at 1000 platinum points. Keep in mind that all these rewards can be claimed for free but you will have to pay $5 shipping depending on your location.

There are a total of 4 rewards currently available to My Nintendo Rewards members. You can choose between ( or take all four if you have the points ) a Bandana, Keychain and two different Shopping Bags. If you have linked your account to Pocket Camp for example, you should have already some points in your account.

Simply login to the My Nintendo Rewards website right here to check your balance and claim your rewards today.


If you are interested in any of the rewards I recommend acting fast as these usually don’t stay in the shop for too long.


myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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