[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen Mario + Rabbids was first announced, the game was met with a lot of skepticism. It seemed to be a weird mash up between the Super Mario and Rabbids’ universes combined with turn based strategy. However, Nintendo’s and Ubisoft’s high risk seems to be paying off.
The first reviews that are coming in praise the game for being challenging (even for tactical turn based veterans) and has about 18-20 hours of gameplay.
GameSpot gave the game a 9 out of 10, saying “Battle that triumphs in creating a magical game world that is undeniably delightful, and within it, houses a deep, challenging turn-based tactical combat system”.
Polygon gave it an 8 out of 10, saying that the game offers a “legitimately challenging squad tactics experience without alienating the family friendly Mario audience”.
IGN gave it a 7.7/10, and said that “the game embraces the fact that it’s complete nonsense on every level, and just rolls with it.” (but in a fun way).
It is certainly refreshing to have a unique title come to the switch that is unlike anything we have seen before with Super Mario.
If you are interested in how Combat works, here is a trailer about combat in Mario + Rabbids:
Source: Link
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