After much enthusiasm of late, it seems necessary to take a stand to see more Magicians Quest in the West.

After such a huge response from the community, it seems that now is the time for action. Having only gotten to play Magicians Quest: Mysterious Times on the Nintendo DS, and none of the sequels, we must stand together to see that our magical adventures continue right here, in our home hemisphere. With enough support, it is possible that we may just get to see Magicians Quest on the new cool platform on the block, the Nintendo Switch. It is never too late!
What is Magicians Quest: Mysterious Times?
Described as a cross between Harry Potter and Animal Crossing, Magicians Quest: Mysterious Times originally released in Japan on Nov 12th of 2008, and finally made its way west on May 11th, 2009. The game was released on the Nintendo DS, as were its sequels, although the sequels were only ever released in Japan.

Pretty much the only real criticism that the game received was that the game could be a bit confusing at times. Also, some people thought that it bore too close a semblance to Animal Crossing, and was a near blatant ripoff. Although, it seems to me that it is just its own beautiful game, with a few features that Animal Crossing has never had.
However, mislabeling as a ripoff did not stop the popularity of the game. As previously mentioned, the game spawned three more titles that never saw their way west. It seems a real shame that ought to be corrected.
Magicians Quest Preview
The gameplay in Magicians Quest is pretty expansive, from character customization to being in relationships, this game has it all. You can even start a band with the other villagers, if you so choose. There is never a shortage of relaxing and fun things to do in Mysterious Times.
For those that never tried Mysterious Times.
Remember, this game came to the west over ten years ago and was released on a platform that is no longer in production. However, there are still ways to get your hands on this title today, as well as the Nintendo DS console. You can easily purchase the game online through GameStop (pre-owned $19.99), Amazon (pre-owned $87.95) or Ebay (pre-owned $70.00). As for the Nintendo DS, you can still find refurbished versions of the console on Amazon as well.

Help bring more Magicians Quest to the west.
The ultimate goal would be to band together to get Konami to make an all new Magicians Quest and have it release on the Nintendo Switch here in the west. However, I really wouldn’t mind just seeing the game ported to Switch, and have English versions of the sequels come to Nintendo Switch as well. With enough support from the community, we can at least start the conversation and plant the seed.
The first steps have already been taken by you! The clamor of the fans inspired the creation of this petition. You can now be a part of this change and sign the petition to have more Magicians Quest games available in the Western Hemisphere. If we all join together, we can convince Konami to do what is right. Get them to listen to the fans. Whether a new game, translated/ported sequels, or just planting the idea, we can just a step further to do our part to make this change in the world.
We demand MOARRRR!! ;D
Definitely would love to see this game!