If you love cats and casual city builder games, then look no further than Katsl! Developed by Kofka.games, this adorable little sandbox game takes place in the island town of Katsl, a curious place inhabited only by cats. There, you can unleash your creativity by building up that town and creating the purrfect haven for your furry friends. Each cat even has their own story to discover!
Katsl doesn’t require you to plan, organize, gather, or schedule your builds. Simply just click to build block by block. Create sweeping castles and humble abodes. Get to know your residents, too. Each one has their own hopes, dreams, and personalities. You can even help them achieve their dreams as your work to become their friends. So, build a beautiful town and care for your new furry friends!
Release Date
Katsl is planned to release on Steam at some point. There is no release date listed, though.
Check out Tiny Glade for more cozy building.
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