Take Photographs and Complete Minigames
The Star Named EOS is a beautiful first-person narrative puzzle adventure game about photography and capturing the fleeting moments of life. You play as Dei, a young photographer following in the footsteps of his missing mother. His mother was often away from home traveling, leaving Dei to imagine the adventures she was having using the photos and letters from her. However, Dei notices something odd about one of the photos his mother has left him, and he realizes maybe things aren’t all they appear.
Guided by a voice deep within him, Dei embarks on an adventure full of photography and mysteries. The Star Named EOS features a relaxing journey that can be completed at any pace. Dive into a gorgeous hand-drawn world, collect props, and be sure to interact with absolutely everything you see. You never know what you’ll come across. Use your very own camera to take beautiful photographs, complete a number of challenging minigames, and solve new challenges to recreate old photos.
Experience a fully voice acted story full of heartwarming love and memories. Rediscover the beauty of the world through the lens of a camera. Step back in time through the Polaroids left behind by Dei’s mother, and experience an emotional story full of mystery. The Star Named EOS is a wonderfully crafted cozy game worth a play.
Coming Soon
Unfortunately, this beautiful game has no release date listed. You can find it on Steam, where you can add it to your Wishlist to be notified when it does come available.
For more photography games, check out The Beasts of Maravilla Island, Toripon, or Petit Island.
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