Harvest Moon 64 - Wii U Virtual Console Footage - myPotatoGames

Now Reading: Harvest Moon 64 – Wii U Virtual Console Footage


Harvest Moon 64 – Wii U Virtual Console Footage

svgFeb 25, 2017NewsMax

Harvest Moon fans can now enjoy a port of the Harvest Moon 64 game on the Wii U. Nintendo has released little information on the game thus far, but the game is now available for Wii U Virtual Console – for $9.99.

Nintendo has also published some more in-game footage for the game. Fans of the series are also looking forward to Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns coming out on February 28th for the Nintendo 3ds, we went into greater detail on this here. Sit back, relax and watch the Harvest Moon 64 gameplay footage bellow!


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