I last spoke of Garden Paws when there was a special community event in Creative Mode online to celebrate the release of Bitten Toast Games’ new crafting game Potion Paws. Potion Paws will be available very soon to everyone on Steam Early Access here which means you’ll have access to those cross-over items I mentioned (such as the ride-able pet cat ghost) if you own both games. With this new Garden Paws update, we’ll not only have access to the aforementioned penguin pets and jewelry workstation, but also new workstations, animals, items and over 80 quests!

New Animals
All animals in Garden Paws can be tamed with the proper items and habitats and then placed anywhere, including your farm! Some examples include deer, hippos, bears, and ferrets! See below for the new additions that you can find around Florens!
We knew about the possibility of spotting penguins on the northern island in the Winter season and about taming them to place them in an igloo habitat. But did you know that these adorable cuties can be found in black, pink or blue? There is even a cute baby penguin that’s smaller than the rest!
Once you have this companion tamed in its igloo, it will bring you rocks, fish and even geodes once a day! If you find yourself with 100 tamed penguins you may even spot the Legendary Penguin that is so large it can be ridden!
Kitsune Fox
Regular foxes can be found in Garden Paws in the forests during all seasons and in the Winter you can tame an Arctic Fox! Now there’s another rare and unique fox to tame; the Kitsune Fox!
Tame a total of 25 foxes and you may spot the Kitsune Fox in the forest! This fox can be tamed in just one day with a Bright Damsel fish. If you tame 100 Foxes you may even spot the Legendary Kitsune Fox that is large enough to be a mount! The Kitsune Fox and Legendary Kitsune Fox have a higher chance to bring rare fish and can even bring you a Mystery Box.
The Robot
O.K. this isn’t really an animal but bring this little helper home and it will collect all dropped animal products and will even milk your cows and goats! Ferrets would collect items and products but there was previously no other way to collect milk as you needed to use a milker! If you’re in your 3rd year, you’ll get a certain quest from Mooney to pick up a mystery crate from Conrad. Follow the beeps to your very own collection robot!
New Workstations
Aside from the Jewelry Workstation where you’re able to craft 30 jewelry items from metals and gems to sell for a profit, there are 2 new workstations and they are as follows:
Decoration Station – At this station you’ll be able to cook decorative cakes that are too pretty to eat but sell for a great profit.
Dungeon Workstation – Been exploring the dungeon? This may be the workstation for you. With it you’ll be able to craft items and even a healing powder from dungeon loot.
New Items
Admiring all of the objects and homes of the villagers in Florens? Well now you’ll have access to new building materials and a lot of those same items for yourself! Create your dream bathroom with an adorable new bathtub (it was my vote to add the rubber duckies) or embellish your gardens with wooden benches and gates. Take a look below at your new options!
Furniture – Looking to add to your home? We’ve added a few new crafting recipes to compliment any home including; an outhouse, ladder, overpass, small tables, a toilet and a bathtub with duckies.
Garden Items – We’ve added quite a few new items to spruce up any garden including decorative benches, hedges, small trees, and a street lamp.
Decorations – Ask Roman about the new decoration items including book piles, diamonds, coin stacks, wood piles and more.
T’is the Season!
You may have come across my article for the Spring Festival that includes finding Easter Eggs for amazing prizes. We’ve also received a new Summer Festival a few updates ago that includes even more mini-games such as Balloon Popping, Lawn Mowing and Memory Game! With your tickets you can buy new summer items such as floaties, swimwear, and beach balls! Since the Memory Game was such as fan-favorite, there will be one to play in the Winter as well! This mini-game will also give you the chance to acquire exclusive items that can only be obtained this way.
There are 21 new and unique winter themed items including a Candy Cane Fence, Ice Table, Ice Shelves, a Sleigh and a Winter Tree.
Next update will bring a huge new island to Garden Paws. This island is larger than the main island and will feature rare and unique creatures never before seen in Garden Paws! I have it on good authority that you’ll be able to tame some ride-able dragons and gain access to Creative Mode’s Flying Carpet and Jetpack in the main game! The developers are also working on the dungeon to add more floors and bosses.
With all of these exciting new additions to Garden Paws, it is possible that the developers may have to delay their December 2019 Nintendo Switch release although that still remains to be seen. Can’t wait any longer? You can purchase Garden Paws on Steam right here.
You had me at rideable dragon.