Go Rescue Your Parents to Prove You’re a Capable Adventurer
In Frogun, play as Renata, a young girl whose parents are world-famous explorers, archaeologists, and inventors! Usually her parents take her on their adventures to uncover the secrets of the past, but not this time. Instead, poor Renata is left at base camp while her parents enter the Beelzebub Ruins. The ruins are just too dangerous for young Renata.
However, Renata is left alone, bored and upset, for three days before she realizes perhaps her parents are in trouble. She makes up her mind to go search for them, and grabs their last invention, the Frogun. Not only will she rescue them, but she’ll show them she’s just as capable an adventurer as them!
Frogun has quite a bit of features to look forward to, also. You’ll explore different colorful levels, from ruins, to snow and lava. Use the trusty Frogun to solve environmental puzzles to explore the area. Pull levers, press buttons, outwit traps, and fight cute enemies. You’ll even be able to race Renata’s rival and fight bosses. Discover secret areas and shortcuts through the levels with your grappling skills.
Meanwhile, collect various emblems by meeting certain level requirements, discover the stories of other adventurers through found diary pages, and turn in the coins you collect to the Mad Hatter in exchange for fun hats, bestiary pages, game art, and other stuff. You’ll even find a photo mode to take cute pictures in, and you can even unlock 2-player duel arenas to challenge friends in!
Out Now on Several Platforms
Find Frogun on the Epic Games store, Gog.com, Playstation 4 & 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Series X, and Steam.
For a really cute platformer, checkout Tamarin.
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