Pokémon: Twilight Wings is a new animated web series. The anime series is based on Pokémon Sword and Shield and is set in the Galar region.
The online-exclusive series was announced back in December 2019. Its announcement came shortly after The Pokémon Company announced new content in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Pokémon: Twilight Wings is airing on YouTube and consists of seven episodes. The series will feature familiar faces from the Galar region, such as Leon and Chairman Rose. The series’ is animated by Studio Colorido, who are notorious for anime films such as Penguin Highway.
A press release for the web series gives the following insight:
Galar is a region where Pokémon battles have developed into a cultural sensation. Over the span of seven episodes, “Pokémon: Twilight Wings” will show in detail the dreams of Galar’s residents, the realities they face, the challenges they must overcome and the conflicts they must resolve. In addition to these new stories, fans can expect to see a variety of Pokémon originally discovered in the Galar region appearing in the capsule series.
Each episode will be approximately 5 minutes long. The first episode entitled ‘Letter’ was released today, Wednesday, 15th January. The first episode takes place in a hospital, and features a boy named ‘John’. John is a big fan of Pokémon and Galar region’s champion Leon and wishes for nothing more than to see him in a stadium match. When Chairman Rose visits the hospital, will he be able to make John’s wishes come true?
The first episode can be viewed below:
The next episode in the series will release in early February. You can watch episode 2 on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.
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