Fantasy Life Online is the follow up game to the popular 3DS game.
The Fantasy Life franchise holds a special place in many players hearts. The 3DS game released back in 2014 packed so much content that to date fans are replaying the adorable simulation and RPG game.
I still find myself picking up my dusty Nintendo 3DS just to check back in and do some quests to help out my villagers. Even though the game celebrated a massive success a sequel was never released.
However, Level-5 has not put the franchise to rest, even though it may look like this here in the West. Back in 2018 a spiritual successor was released in Japan.
Fantasy Life Online was born
Fantasy Life Online as the name suggest lets you connect your gaming experience with friends from all around the world. You are able to share your village with friends. Simply explore the beautiful 3D world with your companions and even trade tools you crafted or obtained through a quest.
The entire game is connected to the internet so that you can share your world with your friends or random players if you choose. It is a pretty neat idea that works well for a game like this. It is just fun to have friends join you exploring the world, take on challenges together and then trade equipment.
New but still the same – become whoever you want to be
Even though Fantasy Life Online is always connected to the internet you still have the charm and feature rich game you come to expect from a Fantasy Life game.
There are a whooping twelve jobs you can choose from, no matter if you want to be an archer, a chef, a blacksmith or any other of the many profession you can pick.
If you become a fisherman you will be faced with different challenges and quests, as if you would if you choose to become the owner of the village bakery. Whatever you want to be in Fantasy Life Online, there will always be plenty of activities to do every single day.
The only difference here is that your experience can now be shared with friends in a greater way that the original 3DS game would allow you to do.
Village Building
There is a big focus on Village Building in Fantasy Life Online. Not only will you be able to adjust and change the look and feel of your very own town, but you can also place buildings and decorate the area to your liking.
Your adventure and quests in the game will change depending on the buildings you construct in your town. Furthermore you will be able to invite your friends to your village, to trade and exchange items. You can also team up to go exploring and adventuring together. Your friends will also be able to help you advance your town faster.
Home Sweet Home
Similar to Animal Crossing, you will be able to build and decorate your own home. If you chose the right occupation you may even be able to craft your very own furniture, that is if you collect the materials needed!
But if you aren’t feeling so handy, then you can still purchase and chose from a variety of different furniture and items to make your house a home.
Fantasy Life Online Western Release
The game has been available on iOS and Android since July 2018 in Japan. The title is still getting frequent content update catering to the huge community that has formed around the game.
Level-5 has not made an official announcement in regards to a western release of the game. But the company has made big moves to release many of their game in the west like the Snack World – especially on Nintendo Switch.
There is still hope that the game will be released in Europe, US and Australia in the future. I have reached out to Level-5 to see if they have any information to share.
You may still download the game on iOS and Android however the language may be Japanese only. Lets just hope for a new Fantasy Life game, perhaps on Switch or even a western port of this adorable mobile version.
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