Creatures of Ava is a unique creature-saving game set in a fantastic alien world. Play as Vic, a young explorer who has set out to explore the planet named Ava. Alongside Tabitha, a researcher, you’ll confront an infection called “the withering” by the local race of Naam. The creatures of this beautiful world are being affected by this mysterious disease that’s depleting their populations, but you’re determined to remedy that.
Use a special flute to tame over 20 wild creatures, and get to know the Naam. Their customs are strange, but you’re determined to learn them. More importantly, you’ll explore four different biomes across the planet of Ava. While out and about, take in the beauty of the planet and help the native creatures heal from the withering. The non-aggressive combat mechanics in Creatures of Ava are meant for healing and not defeating, which makes this the perfect cozy exploration game. As you restore the planet you’ll come to understand what the infection is and how it came to be. But that’s only the first step to defeating the withering. You also need to undergo a change in perspective in order to truly understand how to stop the infection!
Release Date
Creatures of Ava releases today on Steam and Xbox! There’s also a free demo available so you can try before you buy.
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