Doraemon Story of Seasons for the ones who don’t know yet, is a crossover game that combines the best out Story of Seasons and Doraemon. The game was released last month in Japan, but rest assured Doraemon Story of Seasons will also be released in the west this fall!
In anticipation of the upcoming release, a new most adorable trailer has emerged, now in English! Check out the introduction trailer for the game below.
If you can’t wait until fall you are in luck! A Japanese demo accessible for anyone has recently been released on the Nintendo Switch eShop store. Marvelous has also announced that a Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town remake is coming to Nintendo Switch this year!
The only thing I don’t like about this trailer is that Nobita says “Ey!” every single time he ploughs a square of soil. That sound effect will get old for me fast. But the farming looks really good and even though I’m not a fan of the style of Doraemon characters, the world is absolutely bee-yew-tee-ful. It looks like watercolour ink. Even the texture looks like watercolour paper, to me. I don’t think I’ll be able to pass this one up.
Agreed! Wish it was occasional instead of regular
Ohhh, best news! I played the japanese demo, even thoug I understood nearly nothing (try and error, yay!) and it was AMAZING. the game is a masterpiece, so calming and beautiful! the artwork is stunning and the gameplay is so… relaxing and cute and fun! I am so hyped for it… fall can’t come soon enough!!!