May 4, 2017Feature
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s a common complaint that video games have gotten too easy over the years. In-game deaths lack any real consequence and gameplay is streamlined for more casual players. Still, there is a slew of games out there that can give you a real challenge. If you’re looking for one, this list, while not comprehensive, may point you in the right direction.
In this list, we’re going to list five games on the Switch that might just try your limits. A few rules for this list will be in order. We’re not going to list games that haven’t released, yet. We’re not including Neo Geo games, as older games tend to be made by different rules. Obviously, everything in this list must be available on the Switch. Finally, the difficulty is based on potential, rather than average. The game when it’s at its hardest. So without further delay, let’s look at the Top 5 Switch Games!
Challenge rating: 4/5
You probably knew at least one major release was going to make this list, yeah? There were a couple good ones but without the Hard Mode DLC, Breath of the Wild falls a little short. Nope, this spot goes to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe!
Of course, most readers might be a little confused. People don’t usually think of Mario Kart as a major challenge. Why is this one any different? The answer is simple. While you may have a perfectly easy time with Smart Steering on, playing at 100cc against computers, the difficulty gets insane when you take the safety nets off and play on 200cc.
In 200cc, players are zooming across the course at speeds not originally intended on by the developers. Tracks are built with 150cc in mind, which means that raising the speed limit makes those sharp turns deadly. Combine that with the lunacy of doubling the active items and Mario Kart’s tendency to want to keep players from staying in the lead, and you’ve got a rough climb ahead of you.
For an even greater challenge, you can try beating staff ghosts in time trials on 200cc. These guys are like the Expert ghosts from previous games. Instead of just being good at the game, though, they’re good at the game and forcing you out of your element. Good luck!
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on Nintendo Switch is on a light sale here
Challenge Rating: 4/5
So again, we’re listing a game when we gave no prior indication this game was actually all that crazy. This time, though, we did have a feature on it suggesting it might fit here. Puyo Puyo Tetris has many different game modes and expects a lot out of players.
Most notably Fusion expects you to keep track of two completely different games with completely different rules, at the same time. But then there’s Big Bang Mode, which will quickly start to put your skills to the test, requiring you to do crazy techniques like T-spins and L-spins to clear an otherwise impossible board. Even worse, the Puyo side of Big Bang makes you clear entire screens in one go.
This mode is deceptive, of course. It starts off easy and scales in difficulty based on how well you do. But if you want to stay competitive online, you’re going to have to master some really tricky stuff! The main reason these two have stayed so low, though, is that the challenge is either self-imposed or based on the other players and your own skill. The rest of the entries in this list won’t follow this pattern.
You can checkout and buy Puyo Puyo here
Challenge rating: 5/5
This game marks the start of a trend you’re gonna see throughout the rest of this list. Roguelikes are naturally very difficult, as they have a habit of resetting your progress whenever you meet your untimely end in each run. You’re unlikely to see much progress until you get a feel for the game’s mechanics and have enough static upgrades to really rise to the challenge.
Has Been Heroes is no exception to this rule. In this RTS roguelike, you have to control three heroes at once and manage your skills and abilities to take down any foe that comes your way. What makes things tricky is that until an enemy is vulnerable, any attack is as good as any other. The tank won’t knock away more stamina per hit than the rogue. And characters can and will swap very often. If any of your heroes falls, it’s game. You’ll have to restart.
This game also likes to try and tantalize players with mystery. It tells you little about what each hero can do and lets you try them out for yourself. Power-ups in-game also come without much description. You’ll just need to experiment to figure things out. This game is on this list primarily for its difficulty and learning curves. It didn’t make any higher placing because it allows you to pause and strategize and even pauses after each hit to let you plan out your next steps. Still, this game will definitely give you a challenge, if you like strategy in your roguelikes.
Has Been Heroes is currently on sale here
Difficulty Rating: 666/5
Ok, you had to know this game would be on here. The only thing less surprising is the one after it. The Binding of Isaac has always been a difficult title. As a roguelike, luck plays a very prominent role in how far you make it, each run. However, your skill determines how much you can make out of what you’re given. There are no cop outs, here. This game will push you to your limits, but if you lose, you really have no one but yourself to blame.
The Binding of Isaac uses a surprisingly intuitive system where you move with one control stick and aim with the other. As simple as that is, doing both in tandem is actually one of the first barriers to overcome. Once you can control Isaac adeptly, the real difficulty of the game kicks in. Sometimes you get amazing power-ups on the first few floors. Sometimes you get a bunch of monsters and some of the hardest bosses, instead.
What’s more, this game emphasizes knowing as much about the game as you possibly can. You could easily pick up a power-up that puts you in a very risky position without even realizing it. Or you could drop a card that you were probably going to need, soon. The game doesn’t explain everything, as with most roguelikes, and expects you to experiment to learn everything, yourself. That in context with how much there is to do in any given run makes this one of the harder games of the modern era, let alone on the Switch.
The Game with it’s second new cover can be purchased here
Difficulty rating: Oh God Why/5
Ok. Admit it. If you read our review of this game, you saw this one coming a mile away. It’s no surprise that as frustrating as this game is, we’d put it right at the top. This one is, again, a roguelike and it has many of the same problems. The reason this one is so much higher is that the odds are so stacked against you, many reviewers admitted they weren’t even able to finish it.
Just a few examples of what makes this game so hard. Any hit you take strips you of all your weapons. Falling into holes and dropping too far makes you take multiple hits of damage, potentially killing you. Which means if you didn’t set a recent checkpoint, falling into a hole will probably end your run. Sometimes just being set that far back without your weapons is enough to make you want to give up. Some enemies can appear under the ground beneath you, causing you to drop in a hole.
We could probably do an entire article just on what makes Tumbleseed so difficult, but we think you have the gist of it, by now
Before leaving this article where it stands, we’d like to make one point clear. Difficulty is and will always be subjective. You can like, dislike, enjoy, or despise any mechanics in any game that you like. Our opinion doesn’t make you right or wrong any more than your opinion affects anyone else’s. We designed this list based on what we felt made a game difficult. You may have your own opinions, and we’d actually like to hear what you have to say, in the comments below.
You can find a list of the most exciting Nintendo Switch Games coming this year right here.
Apr 30, 2017Feature
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]ay can be a sleepy month in terms of game releases. Developers are saving up their big guns for E3 and the month tends to be more dedicated to the rumor mill than anything else. Even so, there are still plenty of Nintendo Switch and 3DS Games launching in the coming month that we think are particularly worth the time to look at each one. Here’s a list of games to look out for in May, and why:
Tumbleseed – This cute indie game looks to be full of charm and will likely be an interesting title for anyone willing to work with and learn an abnormal control scheme. Players will need to control a tilting bar to tumble the seed along and navigate around large holes. This game can be played with two players instead of one for extra challenge and chaos. Tumbleseed launches on May 2nd. ($14.99 USD)
NBA Playgrounds – NBA Playgrounds has been covered primarily as a Playstation game, but it is, indeed, coming to the Switch (as well as Xbox One and Windows). This is a 2-on-2 competitive basketball game and includes an expansive roster with many real-world superstars. It’s being compared to NBA Jam but includes more features, like a leveling system and online play. Definitely check it out, if you’re a Basketball fan. ($19.99 USD)
Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition – It’s back. Minecraft is the same game you know and love, but now it’s very easily portable. As far as we can tell, this plays much like the other console versions of Minecraft but has even more Nintendo-based content than the Wii U edition did. Minecraft launches on the Switch on May 11th. ($29.99 USD – You can buy it here)
Disgaea 5 Complete – This classic Tactical RPG series finally makes its return to Nintendo consoles. The first time Disgaea was on a Nintendo system, it was a remake of the original game on the Nintendo DS in 2008. The game boasts hundreds of hours of gameplay and content that was DLC in the PS4 version as part of the complete package. Disgaea 5 Complete launches in both physical AND digital formats on May 23rd. ($59.99 USD You can buy it – here)
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers – It’s become somewhat of a joke that SFII needs to be released on every system, but the game really isn’t any less amazing as an arcade fighter on the Switch than it was when it first showed up in arcades. This version includes Evil Ryu and Violent Ken as playable characters which represent the worst likely outcomes of their various trials. USFII: The Final Challengers will make its way to the Switch eShop on May 26th. ($39.99 USD You can buy it here)
RiME – The long-awaited Adventure-Puzzle game is finally releasing on all consoles and Steam. This game has an art style reminiscent of Journey (PS3) and a sweeping, emotional score underneath the trailers we’ve seen, thus far. While little is really known about how the gameplay and story will progress, we are still very interested to see what the future holds for this title. Tequila Works claims their game will be available on May 26th. ($39.99 USD You can buy it here)
Infinite Golf – Not to be confused with Infinite Minigolf, this game does exactly what it says on the box. For a very low price, you can choose to play a three-per-hole arcade survival mode, or you can just play endlessly without any penalties. For the low price point, it’s a reasonable way to zen out. Infinite Golf will be available on May 4th. ($1.99 USD)
Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop – The Cooking Mama series is a tried-and-true classic of the DS line. Play various minigames to help Mama make some delicious food and receive a rating based on your performance. If you’re a fan of the series, there’s no reason you should miss this one, either. Sweet Shop drops on the eShop on May 18th. ($29.99 USD You can buy it here)
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – Between FE Warriors, FE Heroes, and FE Echoes, Fire Emblem is making a big showing, this year. And between this game and Disgaea 5, May really does seem to be the month for major Tactical RPG releases. This game seems to be a remake or reimagining of the second game in the Fire Emblem series. You can buy the normal game at full price, or you can get the Limited Edition for an extra $20. The Limited Edition includes an art book, a sound selection CD, a collection of character pins, and a reversible cover reminiscent of the original Famicom art for the game this was based on. Fire Emblem Echoes will be in stores on May 19th. ($39.99 USD You can buy it here, and the $59.99 USD Limited Edition here)
With that, we seem to be out of new titles for the month that we feel are worth a heads up. Each of these titles will be interesting in one way or another, and we hope to bring further coverage on all of them throughout the month. If any of these titles interest you, feel free to talk about it in the comments below.
Apr 21, 2017Feature
[dropcap]E[/dropcap]3 is the annual video games convention in California. For the first time the event will be open to the public. E3 is the second Christmas for every gamer in the world, with dozens of new announcements, gameplay footage and in-depth information about everyones favorite video games. Reggie, president of Nintendo North America has promised “we’re gonna have a big E3 this year”. The company will occupy an equal amount of space compared to Sony and Microsoft at the convention center in Los Angeles this year for the first time. Here are our Nintendo E3 Predictions.
Hey! Pikmin has just ben re-announced for the Nintendo 3DS with a first trailer and some more details. Pikmin 4 is in development for quite some time Miyamoto said, but no details have been given on the video game. It is safe to assume that it will be a Nintendo Switch game, and chances are we will hear more about it at this years Nintendo E3 event.
Likelihood – Hot ?
Super Smash Brothers on the Nintendo 3DS has sold more than 8 Million copies since it’s release in October 2014, making the game the most popular releases in it’s franchise. Smash Bros would make a perfect fit on the Nintendo Switch with couch co-op as well as online multilayer options. A new Smash Bros on the Nintendo Switch is happening sooner or later, the question will be whether Nintendo is ready to announce the game yet or not.
Likelihood – Low
Animal Crossing is one of the most beloved franchises on any Nintendo system. With the latest game released in 2012, Nintendo sold more than 10 Million copies and has managed to extend it’s fanbase by millions. It is sure that a new Animal Crossing will come to the Nintendo Switch. Reggie has also been making vague comments, further fueling the rumors. As he states “our philosophy at Nintendo is to have one great experience of each franchise on each console. So, in the future, who knows when – you can anticipate that all our big franchises will be addressed”. The last Animal Crossing release is more than 5 years ago, a new game could be teased at this years E3.
Likelihood – Medium
The Animal Crossing Smartphone app has been delayed several times. Now the app is left with no concrete release date. Rumors are emerging that Nintendo delayed the app in order to be able to announce it alongside a new Animal Crossing game on the Nintendo Switch. The developers have stated at the beginning, that the app would tie in with another Animal Crossing game which could be New Leaf, or a whole new experience on the Switch.
Likelihood – Medium
The Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass is currently on sale for $19.99 on the Nintendo eShop. While most details like a new difficulty and dungeons have been announced, Nintendo could further detail the pass, and perhaps add some more features to it. While this is a far stretch, Zelda fans can always hope!
Likelihood – Low
Fans of the series have been waiting for a new main series game a long time. The E3 could make a great opportunity to tease a new Metroid game for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo had announced a spin off game of the beloved Metroid series at the E3 in 2015. Metroid Prime: Federation Force was released on August 19th of 2016 on the Nintendo 3ds, but never became as popular as the main Metroid Prime games. The game was received poorly with a Metacritic score of 64%.
Likelihood – Medium
Sniperclips: Cut it Out together is one of the best Switch launch titles. It brings people together, has an adorable look and is showcasing what the Nintendo Switch represents the best – from all games available so far. The game is still #1 on the eShop charts. However Snipperclips comes with only 61 stages which most of them can be completed rather quickly. Given the huge success of the game, it will be interesting to see if Nintendo plans to further support the game with a DLC pack. If you like you can read our review and take on Snipperclips here.
Likelihood – Medium
The recently announced Pokémon on Nintendo Switch has been in the dark since Nintendo first put the Pokémon logo on the list of games coming to the new hybrid console. No details or further information have been given on the highly anticipated Pokémon game. Chances are Nintendo will use the E3 to tease the video game a little more.
Likelihood – Hot ?
The game is set for a release this Holiday season, but all we have seen so far was a trailer and minimal details on the gameplay. Nintendo will most likely use it’s moment of fame at the E3 to further showcase the next installment in the Mario franchise.
Likelihood – Hot ?
3rd Party developers will most likely use the E3 to highlight their latest Nintendo Switch games as well. Not much is known about the upcoming Story of Seasons on the Switch. Stardew Valley on the other hand is going to be released this Summer with a Multiplayer mode on Nintendos latest console.
Bethesda is expected to release some The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim footage running on the Switch. And last but not least Dragon Quest XI will be released on 3DS and Playstation 4 on July 29th with the Switch release a little later, it is possible that Square Enix, developer behind the game will show some first footage of the game running on the Switch.
Electronic Arts may show some more Fifa 18 gameplay, as they promised it will not be a port, but a dedicated game for the Switch, it may be exciting to see how EA adjusts the popular soccer game to the hybrid console! If appropriate we will update the list as we get closer to this years E3.
Apr 15, 2017Feature
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Nintendo Switch has been criticized for it’s expensive prize tag including all of it’s accessories. But how does it really stack up against its competition? Is Sonys Playstation 4 and Microsoft Xbox One really that much cheaper? We are taking a look at what console offers the best value.
Let’s begin by taking a look at the base console price. Currently the Nintendo Switch comes in at $299. Compared to the Playstation 4 Slim that is currently being priced at $249 on Amazon. The Xbox One remains in the same league as Sony, and also costs around $249. However, to make a fair comparison we will have to look at the official retail price, which is $299 for the PS4 as well as for the Xbox One. It is not surprising that the Switch is currently not on sale like the other two consoles, given the novelty of the console. Both the PS4 and Xbox One have been around for years, and have seen several price reductions since then. Still both consoles can often be found $50 cheaper than Nintendos hybrid console, and on top of that often come bundled with a game like Uncharted 4 on the PS4 or Minecraft on the Xbox One.
The Joy-Con controllers have frequently been highlighted for its innovative HD Rumble, but also been criticized for the high price tag. The two pack will cost you $79.99 while a single joy-con controller can be purchased for $49.99. Sony and Microsoft sell their controllers for about $50 each, which is on par with the single joy-con controller.
Getting the formalities out of the way, let’s look at a break down at what a starter kit of each console would cost you. Let’s assume you will buy one console with one triple-A video game, and an additional controller.
Console (comes with 2 joy-con controllers) – $299.99
One Game – $59.99
Total: $359.98
Console ( Comes with 1 Controller + Uncharted 4 ) – $299.99
One additional Game – $59.99
Optional second controller $50
total: $359.98
total with 2 controllers: $409.98
Console ( Comes with 1 Controller + Minecraft ) – $299.99
One additional Game – $59.99
Optional second controller $50
total: $359.98
total with 2 controllers: $409.98
While the Playstation 4 and Xbox One are nearly identical for the base models, the Nintendo Switch comes in a little bit higher when compared to the common sale price of the other two consoles. However it is important to note that the Switch already comes with two controllers. Many couch coop games can be played in multiplayer right out of the box. The PS4 and Xbox One would require the purchase of an additional controller, though they usually already come packed with one game – that you may or may not want to play.
The power difference between the PS4 and Xbox One are minor, while the Nintendo Switch clearly lacks the horsepower the other two next-gen consoles have. One could argue that based on this fact the Nintendo Switch should be a lot lower in price. But is horsepower really more expensive than innovation? Or is Nintendo just trying to make a quick dollar out some highly outdated hardware? According to a recent report, the Nintendo Switch cost $260 to manufacturer and $90 of that are the joy-con controllers alone. Which would mean that even though the controllers are considered overpriced, Nintendo is selling them at a loss. It’s common practice in the gaming console business to remain competitive with the competition.
Either way, you are not just buying a piece of hardware, you are buying into an eco system. If you decide to go for the Playstation 4 you are ultimately deciding to buy into an eco system of games like Little Big Planet, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, the last of us and more. While going for the Nintendo Switch will offer you games like Smash Brothers, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Mario, Splatoon 2 and many more games that can only be experienced on the Nintendo console.
Whatever system you end up getting, don’t only look at the money it will cost you upfront, but look closer at the kind of video games you will be able to play on it.
Apr 9, 2017Feature
[dropcap]Z[/dropcap]elda: Breath of the Wild is still a hot topic, with the games sales still going strong. While many are still trying to get their hands on Nintenods new console, and didn’t even get a chance to play the latest Zelda Video Game yet, others are already looking forward to next big game coming to Nintendo Switch. We are taking a look at the Nintendo Switch & 3DS Game Releases for April and May of 2017. Keep in mind that indie developers may announce video games sporadically with short notice, that can still sneak into this list. We will keep the list updated accordingly.
Nintendo Switch & 3DS Game Releases – April
Graceful Explosion Machine – April 6th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Scoop ‘N Birds – April 13th, 2017 ( Nintendo 3DS )
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 – April 13th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap – April 18th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Mr. Shifty – April 18th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Puyo Puyo Tetris – April 25th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – April 28th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Shakedown Hawaii – April, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Nintendo Switch & 3DS Game Releases – May
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – May 19th, 2017 ( Nintendo 3DS )
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Limited Edition – May 19th, 2017 ( Nintendo 3DS )
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers – May 26th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Rime – May 26th, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
NBA Playgrounds – May, 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
Nintendo Switch & 3DS Game Releases – Spring
Arms – Spring 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
TumbleSeed – Spring 2017 ( Nintendo Switch )
A full list of the most exciting games coming to Nintendo Switch in 2017 can be found here. A detailed list of the May releases on Nintendo Switch and 3DS can be found here.
Apr 8, 2017Animal Crossing
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]nimal Crossing Switch at this point is unavoidable, there have been many signs pointing at the upcoming village simulation to be released on Nintendos latest console. Reggie the president of Nintendo North America announced in a recent interview that all of Nintendos big game franchises will essentially see a Switch release sooner or later. Animal Crossing has grown to be one of the biggest Nintendo games.
While no formal announcement has been made, the presence of the game on the Switch in various forms such as the user icons, the images in the news section of the console – and more, it is save to assume that a new Animal Crossing has been in production for several years. From a business perspective the next logical step would be to release a new Animal Crossing on Smartphones and the Nintendo Switch. The last installment in the series was released in 2012, a new game is overdue. Furthermore the Animal Crossing Smartphone version has been announced and is set to release anytime after April 2017, the game is supposed to tie in with a Nintendo console based version such as Animal Crossing: New Leaf Welcome Amiibo or an entirely new game, like Animal Crossing Switch.
While waiting for Nintendo to step forward and finally announce and release a new Animal Crossing, we are looking at some Animal Crossing Alternatives that you should play while waiting for the new video game in the village simulator franchise to come out.
Stardew Valley
One of the biggest farming simulation games to hit the market in the last few years. Stardew Valley combines the best out of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon and creates something very unique. Exploration, Mining, Fishing, Farming, Dating and so much more make this game an absolute must play. Stardew Valley is available on PC, Mac, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. The video game is even set to be released on Nintendo Switch in Summer 2017, and will be the first console to feature the brand new Stardew Valley Multiplayer experience, although the coop mode is also going to be released on PC,Mac, PS4 and Xbox One after.
Chucklefish the publisher behind Stardew Valley has also released Starbound. This game shares some similarities to Minecraft. You will be digging and building, but furthermore, there is a huge exploration aspect to it. You can travel from planet to planet, and each has it’s own look and feel to it. You can plant and farm, build houses, and populate each and every planet to your own liking. Starbound really shines when played with friends in the multiplayer coop mode. You can work together to collect materials, explore the different worlds and more. This video game is one of the most exciting and well executed indie games. If you haven’t played it yet, you should watch the gameplay trailer below. Starbound is available on PC, Mac, Playstation Vita, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
Store of Seasons: Trio of Towns
Story of Seasons is considered the new Harvest Moon, and done so rightfully. The 3DS Game is a perfect replacement for the once so successful Harvest Moon series. It features Farming, dating, crafting and more. If you haven’t played the newly released Trio of Towns, then you can watch the gameplay trailer below. The game is now available on Nintendo 3DS.
The Tomorrow Children
This one is a unique, but tremendously exciting Open World MMO experience. The Tomorrow Children is a free to play video game on the Playstation 4. The MMO looks and feels like something never seen or done before. This video games puts you in an empty city, that can only survives if you keep providing the things it needs. As you provide power, collect materials, build shops and housing, you will also randomly encounter other online players who help to make the city thrive. The Tomorrow Children can hardly be put in words, so we will let the trailer below speak for us. If you have not played the game yet, we strongly recommend to give it a try. While it is a free to play game with in-game transaction, it is easily being enjoyed without having to spend any money on it. The MMO video game is currently available on Playstation 4.
Rune Factory 4
This game is as close as it gets to Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon. While it features farming, and some building elements the video game also focuses on exploration and adventuring Rune Factory 4 has been a fans favorite for a good reason. The game is available for Nintendo 3DS.
These Animal Crossing Alternatives should help you fill the gap between now and a new Animal Crossing. Rumors are circulating that the frequent delay of the Animal Crossing Smartphone version is due to the fact that Nintendo is holding back until they are ready to announce the all new game in the franchise for the Nintendo Switch. We will update on the topic as soon as there are news to report.
Apr 7, 2017Feature
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you are like us and you like to challenge yourself with a puzzle game, then this list might be right for you. The Nintendo 3DS has been around for many years, and some amazing games have been released for the handled console in the meantime. We are taking a look at some of the very best Nintendo 3DS Puzzle Games.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
If you will only ever play one 3DS Puzzle Game, this would be it. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is a perfect cute, but also mind bending puzzle experience. You will be traveling across the globe in an airship. If you are ready to help Professor Layton solve the biggest mystery in mankind, then you should watch the trailer below! Professor Layton was developed by Level 5 who also made Fantasy Life – this puzzle game makes it a perfect fit to snuggle up and to puzzle away on your Nintendo 3DS.
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. Edition
This package includes two amazing RPG 3DS puzzle games, and are a one of a kind experience. The Puzzle adventure will have you defeat the evil group Paradox by battling enemies with the awesome power of orbs. Drag and match the orbs together for combos to deal a massive blow to your enemies. If you want some action with your puzzle experience, Puzzle & Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros. might be the game you are looking for. You can watch the trailer below to get a good idea of what the game has to offer.
Scribblenauts Unlimited
This is an all time classic, and still today is one of the most beautiful Puzzle experience on any gaming console. in Scribblenauts Unlimited you will help Maxwell solve the mysteries in a 3D puzzle open World environment, you can free roam and play the game your way. This game even features the 3DS Street Pass functionality to see all of the creative solutions to puzzles by players in your area.
Pokémon Battle Trozei and Pokémon Picross
If you happen to be a die hard Candy Crush fan, then this game might be your perfect match, that is if you also like Pokemon. Moving and matching Pokémons to create chains is easy to start, but difficult to master. Match 3 or more Pokémon characters in a row to attack one of the many powerful opponent Pokémon you’ll face, like Xerneas, Yveltal, or Charizard!
Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
Test your puzzle solving skills in this spin-off of the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series. Use tiles to create the best path through each level. The main game contains over 180 levels, across four different puzzle modes. Although each mode has a slightly different style of play, they all share the same goal: get the Minis to the star. The game also features beautiful 3D graphics making the puzzle games even more fun to play. Check out the trailer below to get a good look at the 3DS puzzle game!
Last but not least Cashmo is a amongst the best 3DS puzzle games. In this game you will pull and push blocks to make your way to the goal. The adorable characters make the game look and feel adorable. Crashmo is a slow paced game, making it the perfect fit for a relaxing gaming experience.
Apr 6, 2017Feature
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you own a Nintendo Switch, chances are you are loving your console, and probably are putting hours and hours into the legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. If you are like many others and you like to take your console on the go, or just want to up your video gaming experience, then these accessories will help you protect your console, and get the best possible experience out of it!
Unlike modern cellphones where the screen is made out of durable and scratch resistant glass, the Nintendo Switch screen is made out of plastic, and can easily be scratched by keys, or anything else that is remotely hard or pointy. The reason for the plastic screen according to Nintendo – is to avoid the screen to shatter into pieces when the console slips out of the hands – and could then potentially be harmful to children.
Luckily there is a solution to that. The amFilm Screen protector is made of shatter resistant ultra transparent tempered glass and will avoid your console getting scratched up. The screen protector can be purchased from Amazon for $9.99 right here.
There are many cases for the Nintendo Switch out there, but only some of them provide the protection you need in a compact size.
The Nintendo Switch Hybrid Cover functions as a protective slim cover, but can also be transformed into a stand, similar to an iPad smart cover. You can see it on Amazon here,
The Butterfox Nintendo Switch Hard Carry Case comes with a handle and 19 slots for cartridges. It can be bought from Amazon for $24.99 right here.
The Lumsing 15000mAh Battery pack can can charge your Nintendo Switch on the go. It will let you plat 6 hours of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the go! It is currently on sale and can be bought on Amazon for $21.99 right here.
If you need even more juice on the go you can go for the Anker PowerCore+ 20100. It can also be purchased on Amazon for about $65.99 here.
The SwitchCharge is a protective case with a built in battery. You can check out the case here. It currently seeks funding on Indiegogo, if you are interested you can contribute and be one of the first to receive this charging case.
If you want to add some color to your Switch, you can add these thumb grips in neon blue or red, not only do they look cool, they will also add grip to your thumbsticks – you can check them out on Amazon right here.
If you feel the joy-cons are too small you can add this grip to it. It will make it feel like a larger controller, similar to Playstation 4 and Xbox One. It also comes in some cool looking color combinations to chose from, and only runs at $14.99 on Amazon – check it out here.