Breath of the Wild 2 is the sequel to the extremely popular Nintendo Switch launch title back in 2017 and could now be much closer to release than one might have thought.
The next open world game in the Zelda franchise has been announced more than a year ago back on June 11th, 2019. Since then Nintendo has been very quiet around the game with very little to no information shared with fans so far.
There have been many speculations and reports around a surprise release of the game. With PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X releasing this Holiday, Nintendo is in a position where they need to assure gaming fans that the hybrid console will remain relevant during the holiday season and beyond.
Since the release of Animal Crossing New Horizons the first party Switch gaming lineup looks very skim and a Breath of the Wild 2 surprise release in time for this years holiday season could combat that and give Switch fans something to look forward to.
Voice acting completed on Breath of the Wild 2
According to Spanish voice actors Marc Navarro and Nerea Alfonso who both worked on the game and voiced Revali and Zelda, we may have a hint at the status of the game.
According to the “Un café con Nintendo” podcast the two voice actors nearly revealed a story detail about the upcoming game but quickly backtracked as clearly they are currently under a Nintendo embargo where they are not legally allowed to share any details about the game.
A statement translated by Risu64 mentions: “There’s a lot of weird stuff surrounding Zelda in the first game, and also in the second game, which we haven’t worked on [laughs]”. Based on what was said, it sounds like they’ve provided voice work and are tiptoeing around their NDA.
The interesting part is that voice acting is usually done towards the end of a development cycle of a game. This could indicate that voice acting has already been completed making way for a possible Breath of the Wild 2 release sometime this year or early next year.
Of course this to be taken with a grain of salt as nothing is official until Nintendo decides to release more information about the game as well as the release date.
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