Bloomtown just received a fantastic quality of life update—transforming an already amazing game into something even better!
For those who haven’t yet explored this delightful pixel gem, Bloomtown may appear to be your typical charming little town—peaceful, picturesque, and perhaps a touch too tranquil for the adventurous spirit.
You can spend your days by the cozy lake, relaxing fishing, befriending the townsfolk, or even unwinding at the local yoga studio.
But don’t let the serene atmosphere of this cozy town mislead you! Beneath its charming surface lies a world that’s far spookier than you might expect. There’s a hidden side to Bloomtown that invites you on a grand and unforgetabble adventure!
Quality of Life update brings fans most requested changes
Players have been sharing feedback and thoughts on their experience with the game and the developers listened! The latest patch brings many small, yet meaningful improvements that have a big impact on the gameplay!
New tutorials have been added as well as an always run option, something that many players wanted! Additionally the English localization has been improved, the team also squashed a lot of bugs, take a look below to see everything new in the latest patch.
Bloomtown Patch Notes
- Added manual saves – Save anytime out of combat
- Added option to toggle running as always on
- Some improvements in balance
- Added Auto On\Off hints option
- Added training fights in velvet room
- Added delay before selecting in dialogs
- Rework art and obstacles in house tree dungeon
- Some improvements in pause menu
- Fixed some cases where the achievement was not given for getting all the other achievements
- Fixed steam builds crashing when steam API is not initialized
- Fixed game breaking after loading from battle scene
- Fixed some localization issues
- Fixed statistic on the LVL up screen is not correct
- Strongly improved localization into English
- Reworked and fixed some cut-scenes
- Some other small fixes and improvements

Bloomtown is available on Switch, Steam and Consoles!
If you already own the game, make sure to download the update. If you haven’t played Bloomtown: a Different Story yet, I recommend checking it out, at the time of writing this article the game is still celebrating a sale on Steam!
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