[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he release of Arms on Nintendo Switch is coming closer. The game is set to release this summer on June 16th, 2017. While this is still a few weeks away, Nintendo is releasing more and more details about the new game. While some players were concerned that ARMS only features motion controls, Nintendo has stated that this would not be the case.
Given the various ways the Nintendo Switch is meant to be played, Handheld, Docked, and on the go. Motion controls aren’t always possible. In the latest issue of EDGE the gaming magazine we found out that ARMS can be controlled using a single joy-con.
“Punches can be thrown using the triggers, or two of the face buttons – jump and dash are mapped on to the other two. You click the left stick to guard. Everything you need is here, and it works – but something’s missing. Since the left stick controls the angle of your punches, you can’t move in one direction and punch in the other. You can’t strike at a different angle with your other hand until the first punch is fully extended, either.”
Nintendo however recommends to play the game using the new motion controls in order to get the full experience. It is also unclear how the controls would change if a Nintendo Switch Pro-Controller is used.
ARMS on Nintendo Switch is coming out June 16th, you can order the game at a discount right here.
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