Animal Crossing New Horizons: Aya Kyogoku Talks Crafting, Gardening, Multiplayer, Weather And More - myPotatoGames

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Animal Crossing New Horizons: Aya Kyogoku Talks Crafting, Gardening, Multiplayer, Weather And More

svgJun 11, 2019Animal CrossingNewsMax

Aya Kyogoku Animal Crossing famous and much beloved game designer who is also responsible for Animal Crossing New Leaf spilled some more details on the upcoming Animal Crossing game today.

Players will be sent to deserted island in Animal Crossing New Horizons by no other than Tom Nook who has a whole new business plan in mind for us! Aya Kyogoku mentioned during today’s Nintendo Treehouse episode that the game is very far advanced but there are some features that the team still want to included which is the reason for the delay until March 2020.

Decorating Outside

As mentioned in our earlier coverage, players will be able to decorate the outside for the first time ( outside of Happy Home Designer ). Furnitures can be placed anywhere in the town / on the island, just like you can choose the initial place of your tent.

Moving items will work similar to Happy Home Designer which received a lot of praise for easily being able to decorate surroundings.



Weather plays a big role in Animal Crossing New Horizons, animals will act according to the weather and weather changes depending to what time your system is set. June in the northern hemisphere will be summer, but if you are in the southern hemisphere it would be winter.

Wind will be prominent now. Players can tell how windy it is by the trees and leafs swinging.


Players will be able to craft furnitures, accessories tools and more. In order to craft for example a flower headband a player will need to plant specific flowers harvest the petals and use them to create a cute flower headband. Harvesting a flower will not destroy the plant.


Animal Crossing New Horizons expands on the gardening. Players will be able to plant whole new gardens, trees and more. All of the things you plant can be used for resourcing and turned into furniture or other items you choose to craft.


Players earn miles for many activities in the game. Based on Tom Nooks new business model ( travel agency ) players will be able to earn and spend miles on many activities. It works very similar to real life milage programs. It reminds us a little bit of the MEOW points in Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amiibo.


Animal Crossing New Horizons will feature a whole new multiplayer experience. Players will be able to occupy a house on your personal island. You can easily “call” a friend and have them join you, there is no need to open gates, or any sort of cumbersome UI work.

Players will be able to explore together, help gather resource materials, and so much more! Animal Crossing New Horizons features a coop experience, helping each other is a key point of the multiplayer mode, unlike other titles in the series that offered a very restricting multiplayer experience.

Up to 8 players can live on a single island together, up to 4 players can play at the same time. Local multiplayer is also supported.


Animal Crossing New Horizons will feature extensive fishing. For the first time players will be able to craft fishing bait.


Players can share and trade recipes. Recipes are needed to craft many items in the game.

We will be covering Animal Crossing: New Horizons in depth going forward. Make sure to follow us on TwitterFacebookInstagram and join our new Animal Crossing New Horizons fan group.

You can watch the full presentation from the Nintendo Treehouse live show below featuring 25 minutes of Animal Crossing: New Horizon gameplay footage!

Pre-Order Animal Crossing New Horizons

You can already pre-order the game via amazing right here.


myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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  • Kyleigh

    August 17, 2019 / at 11:22 amsvg

    I cannot wait for new horizons. Only a few more months!!

    • Kikki

      August 17, 2019 / at 11:30 amsvg

      Seven months feels soooooo long to me, lol.

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    Animal Crossing New Horizons: Aya Kyogoku Talks Crafting, Gardening, Multiplayer, Weather And More