Build-A-Bear has officially launched their Animal Crossing line with Tom Nook and Isabelle.
The big day has finally arrived. Quite some time ago, Build-A-Bear announced that they would be launching an Animal Crossing line through their popular toy franchise. We have all been waiting on pins and needs to see the scale and scope of this wonderful collaboration, and now that day is here.
The series will launch with only two options available, Tom Nook and Isabelle. There will also be some very familiar outfits that you may choose from, including both Tom and Izzies summer outfits.
The bears will also be releasing with their very own New Horizons soundtrack and/or phrases. While some of you may be upset about the limited options available, we can all be thankful that we get such an amazing official product like this one.
The clothing and music/phrases are optional and interchangeable. They have plenty of cool clothes and charming tunes if you wish to switch it up. Currently, the sales of this series are only online, and are being handled via an online waiting room (which has been at over an hour wait all day).
The bears are currently $51 dollars each, and you can reserve your spot in line by clicking here.
For more wonderful Animal Crossing Merch, check out the Polly Pocket inspired Tiny Village.
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