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    svgNov 1, 2024Animal Crossing

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    If you want to share a unique Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing themed gift this year, look no further. Browse some super adorable themed gaming merch and so much more – browse my shop to see my entire collection and on Etsy here.

    Stardew Valley Gardening kit & Stardew Valley Gaming Mat

    This Stardew Valley inspired DIY gardening kit comes with everything you need to grow your own beautiful plant. The printed weather proofed ceramic pot has a drain hole and a tray so that you can safely water your plant friend. The print features a wide variety of characters and memorable scenery from the game. The kit includes a reusable zipper pouch, a bamboo gardening stake to name your plant, instruction cards, stickers and so much more!

    Animal Crossing Themed Gardening kit – Tiny Garden Pals

    Much like the Stardew Valley kit, everything is custom made with the tiny world of Animal Crossing that fits in the palm of your hand in mind. Perfect to grow the included seeds or a succulent of your likings. It comes with a tiny shovel, made for the kit, the tiny planter is last imprinted so it won’t fade, it also has a drainage hole and a bamboo coaster. There is a small canvas soil bag themed after Leif. A no fail instruction card along with a tiny bamboo plant stick also themed after our gardening friend Leif from Animal Crossing. 

    Animal Crossing themed Coin Purses… and more!

    This super soft Animal Crossing inspired Coin Purse comes in the design inspired by everyone’s favorite video game. Choose between a midnight blue Fossil, golden Bell Bag or the ever adorable Celeste from ACNH inspired coin purse. If you want to go for the ultimate fan bundle you can choose the tripple pack that includes all three of them, perfect for gifting or to keep all to yourself.

    And so much more…

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  • svgJan 15, 2023Indie Highlight

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    One Lonely Outpost is Stardew Valley in Outer Space but brings tons of new features to farming simulation games.

    If you have followed myPotatoGames for the past few years you may know that I am personally very excited about One Lonely Outpost. I first came across the game in 2020 when it successfully launched on Kickstarter. Since then the game has come a long way and we are getting very close to it finally landing in our hands.

    One Lonely Outpost is a farming game at heart but with many twists and differences to ensure it can stand out on it’s own. While you can compare it to Stardew Valley at first glance or even open world RPGs like No Mans Skye, once you look at the details there are large differences. In the end there is plenty of room in my farming and life simulation game heart for multiple great games.

    Thriving Community – Deep Farming

    One Lonely Outpost is a unique farming simulation game that is more in-depth than most games I have played in this genre. You find yourself on a far away deserted and lonely alien planet – that of course you can name. It is your job to bring it back to life and create a thriving community.

    You are free and even encouraged to explore the alien planet, create a whole new community and grow a garden for your the villagers. Make friends, or find romantic love – the choices are yours.

    Unlike most farming games where you tilt the soil, plop a seed and add water occasionally, in this game you have a lot more choices to make. You can choose to grow organic crops for a quality harvest, or go synthetic to make the most money.

    Plants can also be treated in such great detail that it almost feels like a mini-game within the game itself. You can trim leafs and care for plants in a detailed way, so that you can make sure your upcoming harvest will be successful.

    One Lonely Outpost Release Date

    The initial release date was sometime in 2022, however, the game needed a little bit more time with a current release date of early 2023, just a little bit more wait!

    You can Wishlist the game on Steam here, and on The Epic Games Store here. Continue following myPotatoGames as I will be sure to report any news from this unique and fun farming game!

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  • svgJan 6, 2023News

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    Witchbrook has been in development for some time now. The game created by Chucklefish, the previous publisher of Stardew Valley, revealed some amazing new details about the upcoming Magic game in an early design document.

    In Witchbrook the player will take on the role of a student inside a magic school, something a Harry Potter fan might be familiar with. During the course of the studies, players will be on a path to discovering who they really are.

    The game will take the player on a journey through various activities that all help you work towards a successful school life. Withcbrook offers a lot of side activities next to the very busy study schedule that players will have to master.

    Witchbrook Looks Stunning

    Chucklefish surprised fans with some brand new screenshots showing of the games colorful, whimsical world. Take a look at the new screenshots released below!

    Witchbrook magic school game

    Gardening, Potion Making and Artifact Hunting!

    Side quests such as social actives and school work are just the beginning of the many features you can look forward to. You will be able to plant your very own herb garden, go on a fishing trip and just so much more. Witchbrook is designed to deliver a relaxing and calmly paced experience much like Stardew Valley where you can decide how to play the game.

    Besides growing your own herb garden, you will also be able to go artifact hunting. These items are scattered throughout the world, inviting the players to go exploring! Once you come across an artifact you will have to solve a puzzle to obtain the item!

    Fishing in Witchbrook using target mode

    Potion making is obviously part of the game, every wizard needs a cauldron expelling green mysterious steam. Once you acquire potion recipes you will be able to brew a potion. But don’t you worry, there will also be traditional cooking where you can throw together a delicious meal inside the local cafe!

    Some activities like fishing also allow the player to enter “Targeting mode” where you can choose from a list of different actions like spells, items and tools. This mode is great to create a rich and meaningful experience, rather than just point and click at something.

    Withcbrook doesn’t stop here, exciting features like wizard dueling, crafting, astrology and even mail stamp collecting enrich the gameplay even further.

    Witchbrook magic school game

    Seasonal Events

    The game is also accompanied by weather and a day and night cycle. While this is always a pleasant element to have, as it creates a more immersive experience, it also adds seasons and therefore seasonal events. Christmas and Halloween were named as a few possible examples. Magic school and Halloween events just seem like a perfect match to us!

    That’s right, players will be able to enjoy 4 seasons, each lasting one month or 30 days according to the in-game calendar. If you played any Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley or Story of Seasons games you will know how much each season can change the gameplay entirely. During each event players can also look forward to obtaining new items to redecorate part of the school grounds or simply make new friends at the gathering.

    Broom Racing and other Minigames

    Minigames are also going to be a big part of Witchbrook. According to the game design document “Minigames are scattered throughout the gameworld. Some minigames only show up during events.” Chucklefish also named some examples that could potentially become part of the game. Broom racing, casino games, wizard chess, card games and more.

    What would a magic school game be without… magic? Players can learn spells which can help you perform better in side activities such as fishing, foraging or even farming! Alakazam!


    Everything you love in games is here!

    Besides all the fun new features Witchbrook has to offer, there will of course be elements you come to expect from such game. NPCs with unique personalities are populating the breathing and living world. Make friends around school, help other people around you by obtaining quests from them and more. Get to know the people who share a world with you, customize and play the game you enjoy it the most.

    Witchbrook magic school game

    Witchbrook is one of the titles I look forward to playing a lot! With its adorable art style and plenty of content, I can only imagine the amount of hours I am going to pour into this promising title. However, do keep in mind that game designs can change drastically throughout the development cycle. While all these features sounds exciting it is possible that they will change or be left out entirely. Regardless, Witchbrook is shaping up to be a fans new favorite game!

    Witchbrook Multiplayer and Cross platform

    Some details in regards to multiplayer options for the magic game have also been shared, you can find out more about it right here.

    Witchbrook Release Date

    Witchbrook does not have a release date – but is expected for a release sometime in the near future, Chucklefish is very quiet about the actual release window. Given the publishers history I would not be surprised to see Witchbrook appear on Nintendo Switch as well as on Steam!

    In a recently released FAQ Chuckelfish stated that it is a “no crunch” game development studio which essentially means developers are given enough time to bring their vision to life. However this also means that games take a little longer to comeplete.

    Animal Crossing New Horizons was also delayed by nearly a year which resulted in one of the most refined games Nintendo has released in recent years.

    Make also sure you keep an eye on another magic focused game called Little Witch in the Woods a super adorable indie game featuring kitty clouds and wizards!

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  • svgDec 8, 2022News

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    Creator of Stardew Valley, known as ConcernedApe just created a music video for Alvvays.

    Erik, sole creator of Stardew Valley just made an adorable music video for Alvvays an indie pop band from Toronto. The video is as cute as you would come to expect from ConcernedApe based on the pleasing visuals from his games.

    It is always surprising to see how Erik still finds the time to work on different projects as has still been releasing free updates for Stardew Valley and is now also working full time on this upcoming game Haunted Chocolatier.

    Haunted Chocolatier

    Haunted Chocolatier is the name of his next game and much like in Willy Wonkas spirit you will be running your very own chocolate factory! The game kept its Stardew Valley charm as it uses a similiar art style but if you take a peak at the video you will notice plenty of new gameplay mechanics that will make fans of Stardew especially happy!

    Haunted Chocolatier Release Date

    No exact release date has been given yet but you can follow the development on ConcernedApe’s official Twitter right here. Check out the adorable gameplay for the game right here!

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  • svgJun 11, 2022Indie Highlight

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    Manage Your Own Zoo

    Continuing with IGN Expo 2022, a new and exclusive trailer has been released for Super Zoo Story, a Stardew Valley meets Zoo Tycoon sim. Build and manage your own personal zoo by constructing your park and caring for your animals.

    Super Zoo Story has over 70 different animal types which include exotic animals and dinos, all with different requirements to their enclosures. Combining DNA of animals with dinosaur species will create different colours and patterns! However, you’ll have to go exploring to find those fossils!

    Keeping the townspeople happy is just as important as keeping your zoo animals happy. The island will have over 40 different characters. Not only can you befriend them, but you can even start a family with them!

    Releasing in 2023 on Consoles and PC

    Developed by Super Zoo Story Team and Published by Crytivo, Super Zoo Story will be launching sometime in 2023 for Switch, PS, Xbox, and PC. You can Wishlist the game on the new Steam Page here.

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  • svgFeb 28, 2022Indie Highlight

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    Spirit of the Island is a life simulation game taking place on a remote island.

    Island Paradises is a dream of many and Spirit of the Island lets you experience just that. The game that is inspired by Stardew Valley and other similar titles. It is a colorful take on the popular life and village simulation genre.

    The island you find yourself on has many areas to explore, as you embark on your adventure you will uncover many mysteries. In addition to exploration, you also find much beloved activities such as farming, fishing, crafting and more.

    The fun really begins when you invite a friend and enjoy the entire game cooperatively together.

    Spirit off the Island Release Date

    Spirit of the Island was successfully funded on Kickstarter and backers will be receiving their early Access this month. If you were not one of the initial Kickstarter supporters you will have to wait until 2022 to start your island adventure.

    You can wishlist the game on steam already!

    Coral Island

    If you enjoy island based games, take a look at Coral Island a game about creating an eco friendly island.

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  • svgJan 17, 2022Indie Highlight

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    Witchbrook has been in development for several years, here are some new details you may not know about this witchy life sim!

    In case you are not familiar with the magical life and farming sim, it is being developed by Chucklefish, the same company that published Stardew Valley for some time before Eric, creator of Stardew, took back his publishing rights.

    In Witchbrook the player will take on the role of a student inside a magic school, something a Harry Potter fan might be familiar with or even very excited about, I know I am! During the course of the studies, players will be on a path to discovering who they really are. 

    The game will take the player on a journey through various activities that all help you work towards a successful school life. Withcbrook offers a lot of side activities next to the very busy study schedule that players will have to master.

    Witchbrook Multiplayer

    The game was announced with no details about the possibility of multiplayer and it was assumed that the game would be strictly single player. Luckily this is not the case as Chucklefish no revealed when asked if there would be multiplayer support, “Yes! We’ve been quietly working out how to achieve a fun gameplay experience for more than one player and we’ll share more details about how this will work in the future.”

    This is really exciting news for anyone who enjoys sharing their gaming experience with a friend, loved one or a random over the internet. Stardew Valleys multiplayer update has celebrated huge success among the thriving community.

    Witchbrook on Nintendo Switch

    Witchbrook recently became available to Wishlist on Steam with no further announcements in regards to other platforms. In fact the official FAQ states that Witchbrook is currently only planned for PC.

    However, a few questions further down Chucklefish talks about cross-platform play and says “We would love for players to be able to enjoy Witchbrook together regardless of which platform they choose, but there are challenges”

    By implying that they are currently trying to work out cross-platform related issues, they are also softly admitting that Witchbrook will most likely be on other platforms as well. And let’s be honest, what would be the obvious console Chucklefish would want to release the game on? Nintendo Switch of course.

    While these are speculations supported by some evidence, I would be surprised if we didn’t get a version of Witchbrook on Nintendo Switch.

    If you are as excited as i am about Witchbrook you can read up on some more in-depth details about the magic game here.

    Witchbrook Release Date

    Currently there is no release date for Witchbrook, with rumors among the community pointing at a 2023 release. There is no gameplay trailer just yet but take a look at some of the gorgeous images from the world of Witchbrook below.

    Coral Island – eco friendly farming game

    Save a beautiful island and restore it to its former glory, farm, fish, explore, build a village in Coral Island.

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  • svgOct 23, 2021Indie Highlight

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    Stardew Valley creator just announced his next big game, its all about chocolate!

    ConcernedApe has celebrated great success with Stardew Valley a farming and life simulation game with a very dedicated and active community. Stardew received multiple large updates for no extra cost and since the game is nearly completed now, ConcernedApe announced his next big game that he has been working on for some time.

    During a YouTube stream the first gameplay for the game was revealed and at the same time the developer wanted fans to know that this is not an addition to Stardew Valley but a stand alone game.

    Haunted Chocolatier is the name of his next game and much like in Willy Wonkas spirit you will be running your very own chocolate factory! The game kept its Stardew Valley charm as it uses a similiar art style but if you take a peak at the video you will notice plenty of new gameplay mechanics that will make fans of Stardew especially happy!

    Haunted Chocolatier Release Date

    No exact release date has been given yet but you can follow the development on ConcernedApe’s official Twitter right here. Check out the adorable gameplay for the game below!

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